The best way to start your college admissions process.
Ideal for ninth, tenth, and early eleventh grade students + at least one parent/guardian.
Arm yourself with the knowledge you need to reach your potential. My most comprehensive service for first-timers is all about building the foundation for college admissions success. After a series of assessments and evaluations, I will provide you with a personalized situational analysis and recommended path forward. Typically, by the end of your Game Plan, and based on your unique goals, you will have learned what high school courses to take and when to take them, what tests (SAT, ACT, TOEFL, IELTS, DET) to take and how to score your best on them, which extracurricular activities to pursue and how to pursue them, which careers align with your personality, how to start developing your perfect college list, and how to start meeting your overall potential in school and life. Those who carefully follow the Game Plan are primed to ultimately complete college applications that will stand out for all the right reasons!
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