Proactive support for serious college applicants. $15,000+
Ideal for students who want to submit awesome college applications.
Personalized attention. Determined effort. Comprehensive guidance. These are the hallmarks of Simply Meticulous. Advance an aggressive application strategy that leaves nothing to chance. Build your extracurricular résumé to place your unique passions, interests, talents, and accomplishments front and center. Conceptualize and create college application essays that are as eloquent as they are idiomatic. Demonstrate interest at just the right time and in just the right way. Engage in alumni and on-campus interviews only after learning how to confidently verbalize what makes you an ideal candidate for acceptance. Fasten your seat belt and get ready to collaborate with a dedicated expert intent on helping you achieve your distinctive objectives. If you are ready to submit applications that are Simply Meticulous, reserve your preferred Simply Meticulous experience as soon as possible.
Simply Meticulous: Triple Threat $15,000 → Book Now for Class of 2026 Students
Designed for students seeking comprehensive support on up to three college applications.
Simply Meticulous: Six Pack $24,000 → Book Now for Class of 2026 Students & Younger
Designed for students seeking comprehensive support on up to six college applications.
Simply Meticulous: All In $36,000 → Book Now for Class of 2026 Students & Younger
Designed for students seeking comprehensive support on up to twelve college applications.
Note: Space is limited due to the time and attention to detail required to pull off these extraordinary coaching experiences.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do Simply Meticulous students work only with Craig?
Yes! I do not outsource.
How do you ensure proper attention to detail on each Simply Meticulous application?
I prioritize providing personalized attention, and my approach is one of quality over quantity; therefore, as of the 2024-2025 admissions cycle I only support up to fifteen Simply Meticulous senior/gap year applicants each year.
Where does Simply Meticulous take place?
My support is delivered via video conferences, in emails, on shared documents, and through phone calls.
After I register for Simply Meticulous, when do things get started?
Within 48 hours of reserving your Simply Meticulous spot, I send the student and parent(s) and important intake document that must be completed before their scheduled Simply Meticulous Orientation Meeting and before I can develop and we can begin tactically implementing the student’s personalized college application completion strategy.
What does a Simply Meticulous student accomplish?
By the end of the Simply Meticulous experience the student completes his or her extracurricular résumé, Common App essay, Common App, and up to three (Simply Meticulous: Triple Threat), six (Simply Meticulous: Six Pack), or twelve (Simply Meticulous: All In) Common App supplements (or the equivalent for students applying to non-Common App colleges like Georgetown, MIT, or the UCs), and interview prep and mock interviews (if necessary). Please note that BSMD and Honors program applications count as applications distinct from the such colleges’ standard first-year applications.
How long will it take for me to complete my Simply Meticulous applications?
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are admired college applications; yet, it’s also important to be as effective and efficient with our time as possible. With that in mind, we concentrate on résumé, essay, and overall application completion over a one-month period (Simply Meticulous: Triple Threat), over a two-month period (Simply Meticulous: Six Pack), or over a four-month period (Simply Meticulous: All In). After these most consequential elements of the process are completed, I continue to provide strategic and tactical guidance, answers to students’ and parents’ questions, interview prep in advance of both evaluative and informational interviews, and support on letters of continuing interest or waitlist letters as needed until the student makes his or her final college selection.
How early or late can I start Simply Meticulous?
Though the official Simply Meticulous experience begins no earlier than August of senior (twelfth grade) year and only as late (based on availability) as October of senior (twelfth grade) year (or, if taking a gap year, as late as October of the student’s gap year), a student engaging in Simply Meticulous: Six Pack or Simply Meticulous: All-In has the option of super charging his or her Simply Meticulous experience with a proactive ‘Early Start’ add-on as early as ninth grade year.
What exactly is an ‘Early Start,’ and what’s included?
Many students and families want proactive college admissions coaching well before their official college application cycle begins, which is why I offer the opportunity for students to get an ‘Early Start’ on crafting Simply Meticulous applications as early as ninth grade year. Each ‘Early Start’ includes and begins with a Game Plan meeting, which is followed by a series of proactively-scheduled and appropriately-timed Strategy Sessions, reflection exercises, and homework assignments focused on ensuring that the student maintains positive forward momentum during the weeks, months, or years leading up to the official start of Simply Meticulous when the student becomes a rising senior. As a result, each ‘Early Start’ student demonstrates awe-inspiring academic acumen, extracurricular enterprise, and interpersonal ingenuity throughout the college application process.
How much does an ‘Early Start’ to Simply Meticulous cost?
An ‘Early Start’ in the second half of eleventh grade (or in the second half of twelfth grade for a student applying to college during his or her gap year) costs an additional $1,000, an ‘Early Start’ in early eleventh grade (or in early twelfth grade for a student applying to college during his or her gap year) costs an additional $2,000, an ‘Early Start’ in tenth grade costs an additional $3,000, and an ‘Early Start’ in ninth grade costs $4,000.
Is a Simply Meticulous ‘Early Start’ the only way I can start working with Craig before senior year?
No, though it’s certainly the most comprehensive approach. Some Simply Meticulous students engage in an à la carte progression of Smart Sessions before beginning Simply Meticulous when they become rising seniors. Students following this approach, in which I serve in a reactive rather than proactive capacity, usually engage in a First Session with me and then proceed to a Strategy Session with me once or twice each semester leading up to the official commencement of their Simply Meticulous experiences when they become rising seniors.
What if I want your support on just one college application?
As most selective American colleges have early application deadlines with considerably higher acceptance rates than these same colleges’ later regular application deadlines, I recommend rising high school seniors do everything in their power to craft and complete the application to their first choice college early. This is why I offer the distinct Spring Into Action experience to students who are ready and willing to complete one impressive and differentiated college application by August 10 of their application cycle. Click here to learn more about Spring Into Action.
What if I want your support on more than twelve college applications?
The student should engage in the research and self-reflection (both of which are built into the Simply Meticulous experience) necessary to ensure development of a college list of at most twelve institutions. By doing so, the student won’t spread himself or herself too thin during the application process, thus increasing the chances the student will get into his or her top choice colleges. It rarely makes sense to apply to more than six colleges, and for the vast majority of students, a well-balanced, well-considered, and well-vetted college list never needs to include more than nine colleges. It’s important to remember that at the end of the process the student only goes to one college – and there’s no added benefit to getting into seven or eight colleges if in the process of earning admission to them the student is unable to earn admission into the one or two colleges that he or she is most eager to attend. Therefore, only for students in extremely exceptional circumstances am I willing to offer coaching experiences in support of more than twelve college applications.
I want to work with Craig but my application deadline is just days away. Am I too late?
Most likely, yes. I do everything in my power to ensure my Simply Meticulous students complete and submit their college applications at least two weeks before their deadlines, and I enjoy relaxing, resting, and spending time with family during late October and December. Yet, you can always check to see if I have any remaining fall Work Session appointments available before your deadline.
More Questions?
Spending thousands of dollars for anything is a big deal! Yet, for the right students and right families, Simply Meticulous is a very wise strategic investment. I only want right-fit students to take part in Simply Meticulous; therefore, I am happy to answer your questions about this experience in order to ensure that you make the right choice related to taking part. If you have questions about this experience, please contact me here or call +1 410-526-2558 in order to engage in a conversation with me before deciding whether Simply Meticulous makes sense for you (or your student). I look forward to connecting soon.

No need for stress! Ask me questions. Knowledge is power.
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