Are you ready? $99
You’ve finished your Common App. Now you want to know if it’s as strong as possible and whether or not, in its current condition, your chances of admission are impressive, inconclusive, or inadequate.
Getting My Pre-Read now means having me review your entire application just like an admissions officer or admissions committee will review it later and receiving by email no later than the time* you reserve a comprehensive report highlighting what’s working and what’s not on your full Common App and one Common App supplement. If you’ve yet to submit your Common App, My Pre-Read may motivate you to make adjustments to it before your deadline. If you’ve already submitted your Common App, My Pre-Read will prepare you for what I deem to be your likely admissions outcome at the institution in question.
*My Pre-Read is not a meeting. The appointment time you reserve below is the time by which you will receive My Pre-Read report by email.